Monday, 23 January 2012

Train to the Toon?


East Coast Rail will do a special discount for small groups. Their website also says that we should mention any special occasion! I think a fund raising  exercise may just do the trick, and maybe ask them to sponsor us? You never know!

Best thing is to maybe ring them up. I will volunteer to do this and find out the cost.

We might be a mzximum of 8 people correct for Saturday 14th (early morning). We could get 1st Class, free wifi and charging points for all you techy guys with laptops and smartphones!

I shall report back within next week!


  1. Good luck JP. My only request is arrive in good time for the Grand National which will be around 4pm :)

  2. Make sure you check there will be a former Chancellor of the Exchequer sat in our seats ready to be ejected!


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