Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Final preparations...what's hot with the team just now?

So, as the Trek for Joe team completes it's final preparations for Hadrian's challenge, we are seeing a rush of behind the scenes activity...well, in a nutshell, trips to Boots, Millets and a host of inter-team emails and texts. The top trending themes amongst the team are:
  • Neil the Kitman's checklist and whether all those socks are really just for his feet?
  • Packed lunches or pub lunches...and how far will the £20 Greggs vouchers stretch?
  • Guarding against being at the back of the team and picked off by Wolves on the wall
  • Booking venues for dinner that provide the best possible access to food, local beers, live sport and the quickest possible route to bed for a very heavy night's sleep
  • Talk of walking poles has now been replaced by gaiters
  • The potential for an adverse medical reaction between Magnesium and talcum powder
  • Whether corduroys will be acceptable evening wear?
  • The going rate for a Radox bath and whether bubbles are a good thing
  • The all out winner however has been landing on the right sort of walking underwear...just one question chaps...do Commandos go commando?
As we contemplate these issues, keep your eagle eyes on the sponsorship total...a massive milestone is about to be passed and it's not too late to donate!!!

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